Renaissance Insurance Group

is a digital "revolutionary" in the Russian insurance market. The company has a proven track record of implementing innovations, which differentiates it from traditional industry players and drives high business growth rates.

We are the only insurance company with a first-level listing on the Moscow Exchange

On October 21, 2021, PJSC Renaissance Insurance Group conducted an initial public offering (IPO) of its shares on the Moscow Exchange.

RUB 235 bln

Investment portfolio 31.12.24 г.

RUB 290 bln

Total assets 31.12.24 г.

RUB 51 bln

Total equity 31.12.24 г.

RUB 11.1 bln

Net income for FY2024


Solvency 2 ratio

RuAA Rating

You can purchase the company's shares in your brokerage app under the ticker "RENI"

The company's securities 
are included in the Broad Market Index as well as in the first (highest) quotation list.
The Group ranks 6th in the insurance business in Russia
We serve over 5 million clients, have a solid credit rating of ruAA from the "Expert RA" rating agency with a stable outlook, and manage a significant investment portfolio of nearly 191 billion rubles (as of March 31, 2024)
Our accelerated growth is achieved in both non-life insurance ("Renaissance Insurance") and life insurance ("Renaissance Life") segments of the Group, supported in part by M&A transactions.

Renaissance Insurance Group 

consists of 6 business segments

We believe that we are making the world a better place.

Insurance permeates all of society

Going hand in hand with entrepreneurship and global trade. When a businessperson launches new projects, they are confident that their existing assets are insured; when a family takes out a long-term and costly mortgage, they feel secure, knowing that life insurance prevents it from posing financial risks to their loved ones.

Our mission

To make the world safer

Our philosophy

Not just to eliminate the consequences of misfortunes but to prevent them. In other words, to think and act proactively.